Coming Soon: $10,000 Online Marketing Contest!

Very soon a few handpicked sponsors will take part in an online marketing contest that will drive each of them a ton of sales with VERY LITTLE EFFORT on their part.

Would you like to place your product in front of thousands of people who are interested in making money online and have already purchased products or services?

Would you like to do this with little or no effort on your part?

How would you like solo email advertising purchased on your behalf?

This is possible with a simple but highly effective and FUN contest that is very engaging for users and creates a huge viral buzz all over social media sites!

You see, what we do is create a contest where sponsors put up prizes and users score points in the contest by posting the contest over their social media sites, such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, etc.

How effective is this? Incredibly! Our software and methodology creates word-of-mouth buzz like you’ve never seen.

Also, we promote your offers, with an online review, to our website and promote your products to our generated lists. These lists are comprised of people who have already purchased Internet marketing products!

Think about that one…your product in front of thousands of new potential clients that have already proven to be buyers….and you can do all of this WITH LITTLE EFFORT ON YOUR PART!

This is exciting! Rarely do product owners have a chance to take part in something that is so targeted and basically have almost everything handled for them.

We have just a few spots for sponsors of this event left. Fill out your info below to see if you qualify to become a sponsor.

The contest begins February 1st, 2012. All final sponsors will be chosen by January 24th, 2012.

    Your Name (required)



    Your Email (required)

    Phone Number


    Your Message

    Prize Submission

    Select Option Upload PrizeProvide Access

    Prize Information Submission

    Please provide promotional information on your prize. This includes, but isn't limited to:

    • A product review (best to send this)

    • Banners

    • Testimonials

    • Swipes

    • Other sales information

    Product Submission

    Check here if your product is same as your prize YesNo

    Is your prize attached to an affiliate program in Clickbank? YesNo

    Product Sales Info

    Check here if your product is same as your prize YesNo

    Biographical Information

    Send us biographical info and 1 or 2 pictures


    Sometimes sponsors don't wish to have extra branding and want their products to speak for themselves. That is fine; just upload something that can use to attribute the prize to you.

    Other Products

    If you have more than one product you'd like to promote you are certainly welcome to enter more than one contest. Please leave us a comment here if you have products in other niches you'd like to enter into a contest.

    Enter text

    Sponsorship Laterals

    We work hard to group sponsors within a contest that are of comparable size. In this way, we maintain fairness to all sponsors. So you know that the other sponsors within your contest are sending the same traffic to the event that you are.

    Send us biographical info and 1 or 2 picturesYesNo

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